The Silitch Family

Adventures in the Alps and Beyond

Friday, June 13, 2008

Summer Solstice Arrives

Spring has been lingering on here in the Alps with almost a month now of rain and showers. We are managing to still get out and enjoy the mountains in rain and shine. Birken is playing mini-tennis and Anders is adventuring on bikes and trikes. We have enjoyed some quality time together as a family and continue to appreciate this amazing place we live in and the lifestyle and pace here. It is a blessing that Michael can come home each evening after his commute to work up to the mountains and we are continually grateful for that. We enjoyed a wonderful holiday in Majorca, Spain- the same area we were in last year. A nice break after a long ski season of guiding and racing- before gearing up for summer season.

Our vegetable Garden. We planted our seeds in mid April and have harvested our first radishes (The boys like to pick them but not eat them) Birken is eagerly awaiting the sugar snap peas to come. We have enjoyed fresh mixed baby greens for salads and are waiting for our rainbow carrots and kaleidoscope kale!
Summer is coming soon! We hope to catch up with friends and family! Michael is gearing up for his summer season of guiding. full of alpine rock and limbstone routes. He is staying fit wih yoga and biking. We just did a great yoga workshop with Bryan Kest of California Yoga is a great strength builder, healer of injuries and aches and also stress reliever. It teaches you to be calm and non reactive with a peaceful mind. Nina is training for the Petit- Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (98k) August 27th and will do the Mt Blanc marathon for a warm up end of June. Stay in touch!